Stories and Journeys

The Drawing Sunflower expresses artistic mystery, as well as expressive and conceptual art, in its contemporary artwork in the style of #sunflowerism.


Acid and breakups

Once upon a time, there was a lady. She thought that her life was complete, really… she thought that she had everything she wanted. She had the most amazing job, she was travelling the world, she had a lot of good friends and she had the best relationship, or at least, she thought that.

For her, everything was kinda written. The link to her partner was unbreakable, she thought… she spent the last 10 years in this relationship that occasionally broke, but always returned. Therefore, she thought this relationship was the strongest one on earth, because no matter what, they would always end up together.

But one day, this lady, at one of her journeys, she meet this new friend…. actually he was not a new friend, but an old one. She meet him 7 years ago in Montreal, and they had an affair which actually broke her heart a little, because the guy seemed not to want something serious with her.

After many years they were re united again in paris. Something really magical happened… they had an acid trip together. So, in that reality, they realised that they have always loved each other, maybe from other lives , other dimensions. This would sound crazy but that was serious shit.

So when this lady, finally had to get back home (to Mexico), she had to make a massive decision. Forget about this one week crazy experience with the french one, or forget about a 10 years experiences with her actual boyfriend.

She knew that her life with her actual boyfriend would be always nice, like something certain, and with the french boy she would never knew till she tried. After many many chats with her friends and her own mind, she decided to go to to the unknown, leaving everything back that was certain.

At the end, she decided to be friends with her biggest fears, so she could actually manage them in a clever way. she is super happy now about the decision she've made. When u risk things, at least this time, you will get the biggest reward

Story shared by a bad ass awesome spirit I encountered during my travels Tania Radillo

You can check her music on sound cloud:


Touch her hands

While I could still touch her hands, I felt her warmth mixing with mine like two rivers intersect, my bloodstream and hers. Living by her heartbeat rhythm, my world danced. I surrendered myself into her proximity and her chest became my home.

In the last moment before walking away, her eyes told me that my chest might move but she will carry my heart in hers. The distance between our bodies has grown but not between our hearts. Every step I take, her aorta provides me with the will to go on until I hold her in my arms again.

Huge congrats for your wedding and hope that fire keeps on sparkling.

story shared by @ilovedetectivem


Thank you

Thank you for your universe that will reflect all you deserve.

Thank you for your dance.

Thank you for your floating beauty all around

Thank you for your moments

Thank you for your adventures

Thank you for your warmth

Thank you for your stories

Thank you for your words

Thank you for your magic

Thank you for your pictures

Thank you for your emails

Thank you for your love

Thank you for your passion

Thank you for your thoughts

Thank you for the look in your eyes

Thank you…

Thank y…






Excitement wears orange socks. He understands the language of flames and loves to build fires. He first taught me how to build a fire when i was seventeen. I was young and scared of being burned. Now i am preparing for another visit. This time i am going to open my heart and let the fire inside.

Excitement is a visionary. He is skilled in the art of friendship. He has worked at many jobs... electrician, juggler, sign painter, singer, inventor, poet. Excitement has always moved around. As a teenager, he took a room in Anxiety's house, and last winter Patience sheltered him. The wind taught Excitement how to be two places at once, and they are still very good friends, though they do not spend much time with each other these days, Sometimes when Excitement dances with the Wind, there is lightning in the sky.

Story from the book of qualities by J.Ruth Gendler


The genius of Oscar Wilde

Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth. Oscar Wilde


Traveling Grandmother

My grandmother was dying. I asked her what she wished she made more time for, She said traveling. So with the money she left me, I led a volunteer trip in Nicaragua canceled my flight back home and continued traveling the world for the past eight years. This led me into visual journalism, became a journalist and a tv host.

My dream is to have my own television show. Travel, show and inspire people to live their dreams. But I also want to live in the moment and be present. So right now I’m focusing on storytelling and traveling while covering stories along the way with all my film equipment at hand. I’ve been to 33 countries in the past 8 years Chasing dreams And trusting my path It’s not always easy when back at home not everyone has your back but at the same time I trust my heart and follow it most of the time.

Story shared by the adventurous @jenniferselinger


Nightmare before Christmas

A Christmas thank you for all the support you magnificent people.

Have a great one filled with food, smiles, alcohol... (whatever works for you)

Song from nightmare before christmas (Awesome movie for the holiday) "I sense there's something in the wind
That feels like tragedy's at hand
And though I'd like to stand by him
Can't shake this feeling that I have
The worst is just around the bend

And does he notice my feelings for him?
And will he see how much he means to me?
I think it's not to be

What will become of my dear friend?
Where will his actions lead us then?
Although I'd like to join the crowd
In their enthusiastic cloud
Try as I may, it doesn't last

And will we ever end up together?
No, I think not, it's never to become
For I am not the one



Creativity is not efficient. She has a different relationship to time than most of us. A minute can last a day and a day can last an hour. She loves all the seasons. She is on intimate terms with the sun and the moon. It is New Year's all year long at her house. What with celebrations for the Celtic, Hebrew, Tibetan, Chinese, Japanese and other New Years too numerous to mention. Creativity loves to gossip with the birds and put on her masks and beards and dance with animals. Although bright colors amuse her, she most often wears neutral tones. She is especially partial to off-white.



It's been 4 years im in Lebanon as a journalist. Except for culture, women and environment i cover a lot what people call "the refugees crisis". Refugees, migrants, are just numbers on a map to western people, a mass moving around and definitely too close to their opinion. My job is here to be the medium between the refugees and between French, American and British comfortably at home, far from Syria, Lebanon or Iraq. My job is to tell them what these refugees are going through, and they manage to. To make them become people, names, faces and stories eventually close to our own lives. But mostly editors won't take these stories, shorten them, or publish them but then people won't really read them or will forget. But i keep talking with amazing souls whom only crime was to be forced to flee their country torn by war. Some days, i feel like im pregnant with all these people's names, faces and stories. With their words, that maybe no one will ever listen to. But that gives them hope, at least, and one day ill give birth to a freaking odyssey.

Story shared by the kick ass awesome journalist Flo Mass